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How do you deal with your competition?

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Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:23 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 25 Aug 2006 Posts: 342 Location: South Carolina
Hey everyone,

OK, came here to vent more than anything, but I always appreciate your comments and perspective.

My shop is in a small town (by small I mean about 30K) and I have just finished working all summer on our shop and have had it open for over two weeks now. I just found out that one of the skate shops about 35 miles up the interstate has decided to open up an indoor park with shop in my town. They have the property and will be open in the next two months. I must admit that I'm a bit nerved by it. Especially that they told the contractors (who are local guys and they hooked me up with an unofficial tour of the place) were told that it was all to be a big secret and keep it under wraps. They don't want anyone to know they are there until they are ready to open. Worried about me maybe?

I am tweaking the business plan right now. I'm trying to be proactive. We originally planned on getting our online sales setup after Christmas during the winter lull. We are not waiting and are now trying to get it online before Christmas rush. As most already know, I have a very low overhead, only $2k a month. That includes the lease, utilities, internet, payroll and other smaller misc bills that are due each month. We plan on trying to do the $2k online each month so the storefront isn't relied on as much to pay the bills(although it's not been a problem yet). This will allow me to be extremely competitive on price. I'm also working with the city to get our free public park off the ground. We have $145K set aside by the city to pay for a park, but they don't know how to do it so I've been working on getting the park builders setup and design info organized for them. Anything to keep them away from Skatewave products. LOL

Well, like I said, this was more of a rant and a way for me to organize my thoughts. How do you all deal with your local competion?
Comment away though, I'd like to hear what you think.
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