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Hello Fellow 'In-The-Doghouse' Collectors!

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Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:52 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 20 Feb 2003 Posts: 5556 Location: Charlotte, NC
I haven't been in this room much, but I think I'm kind of in the same boat as some of you guys now...Marital friction caused by skateboard collecting... It hasn't reached the crisis stage YET...but...

Here's my deal: I used to make decent income and liked my job, then they cut my pay and benefits, I was miserable and quit.

My husband's job is off and on because he's a nuclear safety technician and they're only on when the plants are down and also because of exposure regulations. (works about 8-9 months out of the year) (He does draw unemployment those times he's off)

I have been out of work since September 21st, but did have the foresight to save as much money as possible as a 'cushion' and I also stopped my investment program (retirement) I have enough for a few months until I figure out what to do.

We were both on my health insurance program and to continue coverage was WAY expensive, so no health insurance right now.

I pay all the bills, that seems to be the way Jim likes it. We have separate banking accounts which probably is the norm these days, but because of this, Jim gives me some of his checks and I pay all our utilities, taxes, insurance etc, etc. and of course the mortgage.

Our situation is also probably a bit different than some of ya'lls...Jim has grown kids, I have no kids of my own, so that eliminates that expense.

I don't think I'm typical in that I don't care about jewelry, expensive vacations, having a nice car and all. I have cut back a little on my skateboard collecting and am selling some of my collection to keep collecting. I even try to make some extra money on eBay so I can justify my hobby.

I suppose you guys take even more crap for skateboard collecting especially if you have kids.

Well, I kind of just been getting a vibe from my spouse of slight resentment... We're not really talking about it much, but part of it is my not having a job...I don't get all of his paychecks by any means, I usually wait for him to just give me one now and again, but I broke down and asked nicely and he made a snide remark about my having saved some money, what about THAT money ?!?

My husband is known as being very generous with friends, his well-off sister and kids and grandkids and I don't mind that a bit but all the sudden I feel like a 'burden' or some shit !!!

sorry for the ramble I guess it's the same shit in way that guys go through, but different in that I'm the woman...He made a joke about me being a "Lady of Leisure" like I haven't worked every friggin' day of my adult life since I turned 18 before, and now I have some kind of 'goddess' complex or something???

I do know that women tend to be that caretakers of the house and I try my best to do all that but I can't cook and he is quick to point THAT out, not the things I do....

well I may be getting off the money issue, but it's all interconnected, I think...

The older I get, the better I was
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Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:52 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 04 Dec 2003 Posts: 929 Location: ...from the east coast, to the west coast...
hey tina!

i'm in a very similar situation right now...

i just graduated college this past summer and moved back in with my fiance this past september. i just started a new job while we are trying to work out the whole wedding / future in general thing, but my pay is a microscopic fraction of what she makes (even though we are the same age, she graduated years ago and has been working a full time job in her "career" for quite some time now), so i feel really guilty "sharing" everything money related right now cause i feel like i'm not contributing in the same way that she is. she insists that this shouldnt be an issue because it's not an issue to her (honestly, she probably makes enough right now for me to not even need a job!), but i don't want to feel like a lurch (or even worse, her financiial burden!).
to make myself feel better, i just sign my paychecks over to her now and try to squeeze by on as little money a week as i can. that said, my skateboard collecting has come to a grinding halt since september. the only ones i've aquired have either been as a birthday gift from her or my parents (best birthday ever, by the way!) or the one or two that i bought behind her back. either way, i feel totally shitty about it, and i don't see this changing any time soon. at least i have been having a really hard time even finding anything on ebay to get excited over....
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The Green Monkey
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 1:05 am Reply with quote
Joined: 15 Jun 2002 Posts: 14107 Location: Fucking a giant scorpion, duh.
It sounds to me like you both should pick up a few very cheap used decks in the near future (the nicer looking the better--a lightly used AWH sort of deck, etc.), and treat them as you treat all your other decks, so it looks like they're of an equivalent value, (both in terms of being an important part of your collection, and rough monetary value) to the rest of your collection.

You'll need an accomplice who is also a collector who will be willing to be the middleman. They get your deck purchases shipped to them. Then you "trade" your shitty useless decks to your co-conspirator for your new decks. It appears that your collection isn't growing in size, and if you're making the trade, it must be a reasonable trade off in the eyes of the significant other, and shouldn't raise much suspicion...

The tricky part is hiding your paper trail.

Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
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Buck Toff
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 7:06 am Reply with quote
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 4438 Location: Industrial Gulag
Tina, your husband is a vampire. He is trying to suck the life out of you. You have to drive a wooden stake through his heart when he is sleeping so he can't ruin your life anymore (what the hell, just for fun, make the stake out of an old NASH board).

Then take his money and your skateboard collection, and go somewhere warm and fun. Like California!!! Where people actually like skateboarding. Then tell everyone on S&B that you are single. You will find a great husband and or lover in about 4 nanoseconds, because these people are your people.
(If you want a husband that is).

You are 40 something? You are definitely in the critical danger zone. Red alarm lights are blazing, the sub is under critical systems ops only. Time to be devastatingly critical and decisive when it comes to the rest of your life.

Are you going to let some old fogey like your husband drag the happiness and spunk out of you as if you are some ignorant teen in love with the FAD of skateboarding? I thought not. You live your life, he can go on DYING. He IS a vampire, after all.
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Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:11 am Reply with quote
Joined: 20 Feb 2003 Posts: 5556 Location: Charlotte, NC
teehee! He's a pretty good guy most of the time, but how can a noboarder understand our kind???

You guys seem to have learned the angles to keep it inconspicuous.

I'm just more paranoid jobless because I feel 'dependent', (but I admit I am enjoying this break very much)

I actually (finally) talked to him about my continuing deck collecting and he seemed to wonder why I was bringing it up, and said he didn't care. He has fussed at me for keeping the house a chilly 65 degrees in Winter to save money and so he knows in general I'm not Amelda Marcos or the like.

As long as I sell some to pay for the new ones coming in I guess I shouldn't worry too much..? I mean geez, I'd love to have some of the ones I've sold back, but whatcha gonna do...

He sees boxes leaving, that's the main thing, eh?

The older I get, the better I was
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The Green Monkey
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 1:43 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 15 Jun 2002 Posts: 14107 Location: Fucking a giant scorpion, duh.
ghostcavalry wrote:
He sees boxes leaving, that's the main thing, eh?

Tina, I think you're on to something.

If you have so many decks that the significant other won't notice the difference between one or two more and one or two less, just mail out empty boxes every now and then and act like you're thinning the herd...

Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
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Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:38 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 20 Feb 2003 Posts: 5556 Location: Charlotte, NC
I could save postage by mailing empty boxes, but I better weight them down a tad in case he picks one up

The older I get, the better I was
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Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:53 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 27 Apr 2004 Posts: 8896 Location: Pangea
Damn, that is a pretty good idea, I should try it out next time my parents get on my ass about blowing all my money on skateboards. Either that or ship em over to the skateshop i work at and hang em on the wall of my office.

Reagan SMASH!!!
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Black Mark SOS
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:58 am Reply with quote
Joined: 08 Apr 2005 Posts: 98 Location: Dunfermline, Scotland
The Green Monkey wrote:
The tricky part is hiding your paper trail.

Don't I know it. I finally got a Zero Lopez Bin Laden off ebay, deleted all the related mails in my inbox only to find my wife checking out the sent items. To my horror she found the one that said "can I send cash for this deck?", never mind. I told her it was an investment bound to be worth a fortune in years to come and she isn't too upset now, what she doesn't know is that like all of my other "investments" it'll be taken from my cold dead hands before I sell it on.

Support Skater Owned! Use it or lose it.
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Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:58 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 22 Apr 2005 Posts: 2655 Location: Canada
I know how hard it is to collect or even skate when all you (ex) wife wants you to be is some uptight corporate suit. got rid of her and got me a woamn who lets me do what i want with my damn money cause i make it (12 hours a day).
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