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Most Popular Brands

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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 12:48 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 Posts: 1331
you have to respect other peoples choices....if the kids want to use specific skate brands and swallow the commecialized skate industry, so be it man...if a shop owner is taking andvantage of the skateboard industry boom, so be it

We respect most choices people make, but when somebody comes along and makes it perfectly clear they dont know anything about the thing you love and they want to make a business out of it....they need to be educated! True skaters dont "take advantage" of skateboarding, we take care of it.
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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 11 Location: somewhere in the USA
well TRASHCAN you have a website and you use this forun to exploit that sames philosophy you are owner regarding of knowlege or no knowledge is good for the sport...look at Tony he a sell out because he brings new things to the sport? he even have a video game!! he is taking advantage of the booming of the industry right? same as you are, you are trying to make it....come on man...look as the facts.....what you mean by protecting the sport? what harm can someone do trying to learn or trying to start a business? you are doing it!!! so whats the big deal man....
Check SKINNY's post...he seems to be a smart and know what his talking his post and learn bra!!!

CAN WE ALL JUST GET ALONG !!!! (by Rodney King)
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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:19 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 11 Location: somewhere in the USA
by the way TRASHCAN..when you say WE....who the hell is WE?
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sidewalk surfur
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 12 May 2003 Posts: 2771 Location: East Coast
Look fellas, I think we all have some very valid points. I made a point never to rag on the dude's oringal post because I believe it was made with innocent and honest intentions. However, I felt the need to jump in with my comments because I think Christophish had some good points that were being missed. To his defense, most the time when someone new comes here asking "what are the most popular brands of this or that", they usually bolt shortly after with whatever advice was given, never to come back- or more importantly give back to the community that gave to them. This is a pretty tight knit community of people dedicated to keeping skateboarding an original, creative culture protected by those who truly love it...not those that simply use it for monetary gain and have no genuine interest it.

This being the case, I also agree with skinny, in that with the right guidence and the right questions on a business owners part (which usually comes with those that actually care about skateboarding), we can all give back to skating by helping to steer this dude in a direction that helps support more of the "little guys", and that allows for creativity and individuality to remain a core part of skateboarding.

More power to ya DACURE - Seriously, the best advice I can give you is to diversify your inventory, and to help promote and pass on the soul of skateboarding, not just the products.

Skate Hard, Live Free, Die Happy
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The Green Monkey
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:43 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 15 Jun 2002 Posts: 14107 Location: Fucking a giant scorpion, duh.
surferpr wrote:
by the way TRASHCAN..when you say WE....who the hell is WE?

We--you know, our little "underground world", "the gang", this community that you're trying to sponge and undiplomatically scavenge off of, you misbegotten parasite.

Picture this.

About six or seven years ago, a guy owns a tennis pro shop, and with the sudden popularity of Tiger Woods (he of video game fame, don't you know...), this guy decides that he's going to start offering golf equipment in his shop too. He figures that it's basically the same crusty, rich, white country club crackers who both play tennis and golf, so he thinks that they should both be in the same store. He's down with the tennis scene, but he's really just trying to cash in on the big money wave of this surge in golf's popularity.

At the same time, the golf diehards, those bastards who have it in their blood, the ones who have been golfing for as long as they can remember, all of a sudden, their sport is wrested away from them by a bunch of johnny-come-lately Nascar watching hockey dads and women who can't hit it past the women's tee.

They can't get a tee time at the last minute any more.

There's four fuckups in front of them every time they play, and it adds an hour to their round.

Those same fuckups don't know about raking the traps, replacing divots, or repairing ball marks. One of them even forgot to replace the pin.

There's all of a sudden hooting, hollering, and boorish behavior in the gallery at tournaments. Goodbye golf clap, hello Arsenio hooting.

There's suddenly a lot more golf shops around, staffed by well meaning capitalists who don't know much more than the very core basics of golf. The names of Bobby Jones, Gene Sarazen, and Byron Nelson, while familiar to the storeowners, don't really mean anything to them, and they certainly don't inspire reverence and respect for the history of the game. Just a bunch of old has-beens, most of them think.

A few years down the road, after the wave of popularity has hopefully crested and is beginning it's retreat, those four oldschool golfers are sitting at the bar, shooting the breeze, carrying on about whatever it is that keeps their little part of the earth turning, pissing and moaning about what the popularity of golf has done to their beloved pastime. In their collective opinion, it's diluted with incompetence, and polluted with greed. It needs to get back to the roots. The old curmudgeons who still have golf in their blood will see that things get back on the right track, or they'll die trying.

The wet behind the ears tennis shop tenderfoot comes up to them at the bar, excited to talk to them about his new golf shop, and golly gee isn't it grand that golf is suddenly so popular? What are your favorite brands that I should stock? The old men are wondering why he isn't asking about how much they're pissed that their beloved activity is being whored out everywhere they look, and what problems they're seeing now that all the current bandwagon jumpers are clogging up the works. The store owner loves how mainstream golf is now. The old guard is tired of seeing Ping hats on people who don't even know what products Ping produces.

The old men at the bar get cranky at the upstart whippersnapper.

He meant well, but they really didn't want to be lectured or interrogated by some rookie questioning their collective beliefs, and things turned south...

Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:20 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 12 Sep 2004 Posts: 2706

Last edited by skinny on Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:29 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 11 Location: somewhere in the USA
Dude you are missing the point...nobody is trying to sponge anything man..that is the difference between LOOSERS and winners...AGAIN look at Tony Hawk... he is been skateboarding for ever and you dont see him riding unknown shit brands right...he wears and ride whatever pay him the he a sell out? is he a misbegotten parasite? Life is about opportunities, you take them or let them pass. Maybe you just want to be like those oldschool golfers that are sitting at the bar, shooting the breeze, carrying on about whatever it is that keeps their little part of the earth turning, pissing and moaning about what the popularity of golf has done to their beloved pastime...but that is up to you,,why you judge people that want to progress or dont know that guy that started all dont know if he skate or what the hell he does...Because that guy asked a simple question to start a good and interested argument, guys like you (and I looked at your page.. no you even dare?) try to represent something that are not. sidewalk surfur made a good point...he presented his point and I presented mine and we understood eachothers points of view and I respect that...If you want to stay in a pre-historic times and behind, and keep this forum for a small group of people...dont make it accesible for the rest of the community if it bother you that much.....go to and see how everybody share information and interact whithout the "olldschool- new schooll-----cooll---not cool bullshit) ...............DAM man.
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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:31 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 01 Oct 2004 Posts: 11 Location: somewhere in the USA
the message above is for THE GREEN MONKEY.uuuhhhhhhh not for you SKINNY
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Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:42 pm Reply with quote
Site Admin Joined: 27 Oct 2001 Posts: 63461 Location: S&B HQ
Golfers? Did someone actually say "GOLFERS" ?!!!
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The Green Monkey
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:02 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 15 Jun 2002 Posts: 14107 Location: Fucking a giant scorpion, duh.
I was trying to paint a picture of why there might be some hostility towards a person whom it seems is solely here to research a market that he is unfamiliar with in order to make a dollar from something that some people look at with love, and that he looks at with dollar signs. Buttressing Christophish's explanatory post, if you will. I thought that if I changed a few words around, and told the exact same story with a little different context, you might soak it up a little more readily.

I was driven to speak up with your incredulous emphasis on Thrashcan's use of the word "we", as if somehow that wasn't kosher in your book, that "we" couldn't possibly be a community here. Nice name calling, by the way. Trashcan. I bet he's really crying now, you big bully...

Of course Tony Hawk is a sellout. The fact that you seem to think otherwise baffles me. Bagel Bites? Milk? Don't get me wrong, I'd probably do the same damn thing in his shoes I'm sure, and so would most others here if they considered the idea honestly. More power to him, but I don't have to like it. I don't think he's the worst, either. He's worked hard for where he is, no doubt about it, and I don't begrudge him his success one bit, but I'll call a spade a spade and a sellout a sellout...

However, I think we're straying from the initial topic and response. I don't know if you've read the other thread, surferpr, where DACURE (in his first thread here) asked for honest feedback on his site. I gave him my impression, suggestion, and wished him luck. Then things started to look like it was more of a "will you do my homework for me please? I don't understand calculus, but I decided to take the course anyway" kind of situation, where it appeared that our opinions on very broad (and basic) topics were just being collected and analyzed in order to jump start a new skate shop run by someone who doesn't have that much of a connection to skateboarding. I don't call that contributing to progress. Do you?

If I'm off base, I'm perfectly willing to face the music and admit that my assumptions were invalid. Are you DACURE? Do you know him personally? What role does skateboarding play in his life? Why come out of the gates asking questions that anyone who's been riding since before they became enamored with Bam Margera ought to know?

While there are more older guys here, and more guys here that ride larger decks, by no means is it an exclusive "old guys on big boards" site. We have 14 or 15 year olds who are valuable contributors. We have skinny popsicle riders who are valuable contributors.


Not cultivators and harvesters.

Also, could you please explain what you meant by this passage?

"Because that guy asked a simple question to start a good and interested argument, guys like you (and I looked at your page.. no you even dare?) try to represent something that are not."

Sentence structure defects and rampant grammatical errors aside, I'm still unable to figure out exactly what you meant to imply by this, other than some sort of vague and toothless attack upon something I have posted in my photo pages. Please help me to understand what you mean.

Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
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