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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:04 am Reply with quote
Joined: 01 Apr 2002 Posts: 6278 Location: St. Petersburg, FL
well said....

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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:01 am Reply with quote
Joined: 28 Oct 2001 Posts: 3688
TeamGoon & Kyle - I got no problem with people doing business, especially when they are supporting a scene. Hell, I hope you guys get rich, really! I do, however, have to throw a few cents in that may not sit well with all.

The boards you are making now, are EXACTLY what the poseurs back in the day wanted -- a pre-packaged personality booster. "I have a punk band on my deck, I'm so fucking punk!" I remember the preppies, that wanted to be cool after punk would no longer ruffle too many feathers, would buy a Sims Flagship and add a UK Subs sticker on the tail. God I hated that shit. Most of the punks I knew and hung out with wouldn't even buy the t-shirts besides a skateboard with a punk graphic.

Obviously that started changing as the 80s went on. First wave punk was dead, and while there were tons of great bands making "punk" music, being a punker was never gonna be the same. I think that some of the band decks that Skull Skates did were great, but they weren't some sort of thrown-back fashion statement. They were just bands that were currently thrashin', and a sign of the times. Punk and skating had become part of the same sub-culture.

As the second wave bands faded away and the 90s came in, punk started to take a backseat to the pop music of the day. Yeah, there were a few big grunge albums, but skating became more of a big pant, Marshall Mathers kind-of scene. Today, we see the occasional sad, old act dragged out for a "reunion tour" to entertain their equally sad, old fans. I know, I've been there! Punk may not be dead, but it is on life support. Some day we're gonna have to pull the plug before people start to believe that Green Day and Good Charlotte are actually punk.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: You guys are supporting a propped up dinosaur. Many people that experienced that scene are gonna see what you are doing (with the support of the OG bands), as feeding off the corpse. I know I personally would be very disappointed if my son went out and bought a "punk rock" skateboard, but I'd be twice as sad if he bought an M&M deck. As much as Malcom McLaren tried to make punk rock a commercial success, for many of us it was much more, and the commercial side of it was what we rejected most of all. Just a thought...

PS - When are you releasing your Crass and Pop Group models?
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Team Goon
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 12:42 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 27 Sep 2002 Posts: 150 Location: Southern California

[ This Message was edited by: Team Goon on 2003-07-21 13:52 ]
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Team Goon
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 12:51 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 27 Sep 2002 Posts: 150 Location: Southern California
Good points SpyHill and well said.

I would just like to add that I have known the people in these bands for a long time, grew up with most of them and have been part of their lives, so there is no real feeding here, just giving props to friends.

Remember the posers back in the day that went and bought a Black Flag shirt, wore it to school once, got beat up by the jocks and then sold your the same shirt the next day? Maybe the same thing will happen here...who knows.

Someone sooner or later was gonna do decks with all the bands on it, is it not better that people who were actually there back in the day as well as have a legit team of pool skaters to support the decks doing this rather than a "skateboard marketing company" with hunderds of thousands of dollars buy their scene and place?

We go to shows every week and see plenty of kids who are rejecting the new lame fake Punk and are looking to the old bands as the real stuff. Sure there are plenty of new bands out there that are core with a non-pop Punk sound that they listen to also. The majoity of what they are into is the old school bands - and that is not at all bad when you look at the alternatives they have out there.

Plenty of you know who we are and visit our site all the time. We have been doing this for a long time and are not just jumping on some trend. We are not sure of how many other sites you can go to and see photos of many of the bands you guys like play live as well as pools and other stuff that we get involved in. Shit maybe no one really cares about all this stuff and we are just wasting our time.

One thing we are sure of is that if no one keeps the old music and styles going then the New Find Green Blinks that Sum win because no one challenges their place. Silence=Death

[ This Message was edited by: Team Goon on 2003-07-21 13:53 ]
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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:03 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 01 Apr 2002 Posts: 6278 Location: St. Petersburg, FL
hmmm... what would you rather see? a Kid on a D.I. deck, or a lame World Industries? The decks today are produced by the 1000's for the Pacific Sunwear stores everywhere. people may trash on what Team Goon and Punk Rock Skateboards is trying to do, but in my opinion, making decks to help support the small punk Bands of today and yesterday is not only an honor to us, but helps everyone, as well as produces some killer quality decks to shred pools in, heck a 9.15 pool deck and an oldschool shape! I AM IN~!
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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:17 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 28 Oct 2001 Posts: 3688
I'd rather see a well plastered blank (fuck the industry), or a hand-drawn/markered-up or spray painted personal statement than either of your options. Just like the shoe industry (I'm not talking about Vans, they've been in for the long haul) getting it's evil talons into skating, the resale of a past musical movement stinks of profiteering. I have no idea whether you guys actually see any real gains from this, but it doesn't look good and it's about the most un-punk thing you could do in my opinion. I didn't like Jim Greco appropriating Sid's image on his boards, and I don't like the proliferation of latter day punks on the radio. The kids today don't need our music. They need to get up off their asses and create something new that speaks to them now. If the rap and bullshit that congest the airwaves doesn't work for them, they need to do what we did and make their own scene. George Bush has created the perfect atmosphere for a new era of rebelious attitudes and tunes. Fuck Good Charlotte and the rest of the radio whores. Buy a blank and save your dollars for a guitar and amp. Get pissed, get creative and play it loud...

Seriously guys, I don't have anything personal against Team Goon. You're not the only one's making punk rock skateboards, you're just the latest. Good luck.
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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:34 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 01 Apr 2002 Posts: 6278 Location: St. Petersburg, FL
I understand your point of view... keep skating! and Punk rock skateboards will shred in various pools near you!
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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:40 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 28 Oct 2001 Posts: 3688
Peace skater.
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Team Goon
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Joined: 27 Sep 2002 Posts: 150 Location: Southern California
SpyHill, once again, great points!

I have had conversations with many Punk bands that hate how skateboard companies have taken their logos and stuff and perverted them - I could go down the list and bore you with what you already know.

The many bands that we are dealing with have wanted to do decks for a long time and are glad that they are doing it finally with someone they know. They actually like that we have an organic scene and not a bought and paid for one like alot of companies have that were bought with marketing dollars and shallow hype.

Hell yea, kids should start their own bands and keep it real - there are alot of bands like that out there. One band that comes to mind is The Loads that is made up of 15 year olds that rip!

We actually get a kick out of the negative attention just like a child does - it just encourages us even more. It's kinda like when you went to school with blue hair and got sent home, it made you you just want to take it to the next level and come the next day with orange hair and a shirt with a fucked up message on it.

As for blanks we are all for'em - freedom of choice! There are plenty of places that offer them. Stickered, spray painted or just blank - they all skate the same. All that really matters is that you are skating and wearing down copping.

I seriously doubt that anything a bunch of half wits like us do is gonna prevent anyone from skating with their bros till 2 am, keep someone from finding the next great underground pool, shredding their favorite spot, or listening to what they want to.....don't give us that much credit-hell probably no one is.
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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 5:04 pm Reply with quote
I don't think you guys are hurting anyone, and I'm sure you are appreciated by the bands/skaters you support. Anyone willing to go out on their own and create something new gets my respect. The market will decide what wins and loses. I was just throwing an alternative viewpoint out there than anything else. Peace.
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